Funny how I talk about meat and Jim comes in claiming a billboard he saw on his way home that was his (he knows how I relate signs to the incidents in life). Being a big beef eater and tolerating my 2 vegetarian nights a week, beef once to twice, etc....he gets alllll too happy about cow butt :/ The sign said "Beef. It's why the aliens take our cows." Too funny. I sometimes think they've abducted one of my daughters as well. My occasional pink haired eldest wanted me to do her some lime green logos for her band. I was suprised she didn't request hot pink :l Haha...she isn't always sporting this color of dye! Just for shows although between her band gigs and roller derby escapades...it seemed she was constantly in the spotlight with a different color of hair throughout the year!

Seems today she has been on my mind but after my husband had me zipping 300,000 KB of photos to send his company and email them, I had to think outside the box, lol! As for those emails...I ended up burning them to CD and he can just take them with him to Florida when he flys out tomorrow. I think I may get a little in the christmas spirit and do some decorating. Haha...wreaths on the door and graphics that is! Maybe some shopping. Well...lmao...online maybe because I hate city traffic!
Speaking of which...it's a bit hectic here with Jim in and out, taking care of bills, Christmas preparations and cleaning so with rush hour occuring...color me gone for the day ;)