
I was a vegetarian for about 20 years and it was mainly due to the psychological aspect of ingesting ground meat you weren't sure of its constituents. My paternal grandparents lived in the governors old plantation in Virginia and were a major producing ham farm and whose pigs (which I never seen because they were behind a tall wooden fence on the far side of the farm) were used for every part. Think about it. 100% pork or beef means just that. Eyeballs, nuts, hoofs, brains and all! Learning about shipping the remaining parts to companies who ground all this up had me in trouble constantly growing up. I was in the 1st grade when my parents discovered I was throwing all of my meat in the food pantry behind furniture because we were busted too much feeding it to the dogs and well...like most parents...they were always checking the garbage :/ I was even sooo sensitive about all this that it wasn't until my late 30's my father let me in on what
really happened to our Easter Bunnies. They were given to our Nanny who used them in stew to feed her family :o

I understand Peta's objection concerning mass production of animals for food consumption and the slaughtering techniques (wonder how many are Jewish?!) but when it concerns culling dangerous reptiles in areas they know nothing about, I am OUTRAGED and
really, really want to drop a load of snakes in their backyards! Most are in the cities were the population has already been culled but you can bet they'd have a different viewpoint if they were endangering their kids, pets, or selves! I just keep thinking of an activist on the show "Trading Spouses" who was from California and sent to Louisiana. How she tried to show a film about slaughtering chickens and how they have feelings and was sobbing. How dumb she makes PETA look. And with the ozone layer how it is...they need to put those alfalfa sprouts down.

Always on these subjects, I think of my dear friend, Larry, who I met via our crafts. A biker, now certified herpetologist, artisan, and showman...Larry has a rattlesnake ranch in Illinois and these articles can tell one more eloquently about his endeavors (all these photos are of him and I retain rights). I intend on publishing more photos and history on my site as well as acquire some anti-venom for the vets around here if there is ever an emergency of one of the boys being bitten but I have learned a lot about proofing property thanks to him (snake away is a joke). Just glad I don't live in Central America where Fer de Lance have their young born live, not from eggs, and they are as poisonous as the adults. 91 to a brood and anti-venom stations are posted everywhere throught the region an hour away from any direction or you are dead. Hmmmm. Let Peta communion and set up their stations there and see what happens...hehe. And now the Jaycee Rattlesnake Roundups in Texas to cull these varments are banned thanks to them but that's ok. I bought enough from Larry to last years. I do say we should transport excess reptiles to the activists vicinities so their concerns may be laid to rest, however, it does make me want to buy more furs to heavily support the industry and refocus their attention on bunny fu fu instead of nests of snakes ;)
So watch your step and check your mail because we may just become compliant to your wishes. So as for Pit Stops....this one is for you, PETA!