
Alrighty then! Nothing like a good ol' drive by shooting right in front of ya when you are returning home from Memphis at 9 pm!! Wee! Some good ol' city fun there...hehe. Of course I was so fixated on the streak of lightning from the large caliber gun than the car turning in front of us while Jim was eyeing the car! I was ducking as we drove by the house when the light changed on Central and Goodwyn by the university but noticed all the lights on with drapes pulled back at the home. Asked if we shouldn't call 911 from the Florida cell phone but Jim said only if I wanted to wait around for the cops to come. That was a "HELLLL NO!" I did check the paper online but no one was shot, thank heavens, from what the commercial appeal posted. All I could think about on the 2 hour drive home was this old web site version from when I was Southern Roads .com (squatters still on it and wanting thousands of dollars :/). It's not that I'm afraid of guns. I own some. I'm afraid of the idiots running amuck firing aimlessly and at random with anger and hatred for the world in their hearts.

Needless to say no one showed up to the club meet due to the weather outside of the officers. Their meeting didn't start till 8 and we were late when we arrived at 8:45 due to weather, couple of stops, and took the spare van since I'm afraid of the convertible in bad weather or long distances. I did get to see her 6-8 or so whippets all in a line at the door and they were the sweeetest pile of honeys all with kisses for me! I just left the Brie, crackers, and hummus as a christmas gift with the secretary and wanted to mention...Paros told me to get the hummus with greek olives from him ;)
I did get permission from her to start the club site so all wasn't wasted. It does show my drive and determination and I think an interactive website will do some good. The yahoo group doesn't even mention the Afghan specialty shows they put on here in their postings and getting the word out will help inform others. I should be tooling and burning leather by spring and will do some hound art in a piece for giveaway or raffle to benefit the club.

As for some of the breeders in the yahoo group...I'm certainly glad I screen my breeders. Probably more so than they screen their homes. Last post I read was how often to breed a bitch with LSU research which is constantly changing and did we factor in the variables? Caliber and type of breed? What ever happened to AKC's Paranthood Association where you shouldn't breed your bitch, and this is a harsh term for me, more than twice in it's lifetime? Hmmmm. Maybe studies and rules have changed again or something. I'm just allll too happy with the one I found. And thank heavens for Pat Gilbert over there who in reading her comments, you can tell she is intelligent, funny, and loaded with common sense so all's not lost there either.
As for drive by's...it'll take quite some effort to drive up this remote private lane and there's not a shot in hell they can pass the house!