Ohhhhh! I love the new filter sets I got last night!! Creating my tail off and when the phone rang...I must have jumped 10 feet and it all came crashing down on me of who was I, where am I, what planet is this? I was so far into doing metals and stones...I couldn't have told you my name! I haven't used Eye Candy since Version 3 and now I got V5 with V6 bundle to be shipped out for free! Haha...better than even the upgrade prices and then for the whole bundle (Impact, Texture, Nature). Still getting Dreamsuite though but will make sure I have the time to install and play with it. 3 day marathon at least but this week Jim comes in from Louisiana only to turn around and fly to Orlando, have bills to pay, club meet on Tues., update car tags....too much. Just glad he gets to see his best bud so here's to you guys ;)
Ahhh. And on the subject of breeders and screening homes....I screen my breeders! Took me half way around the globe before I found EVERYTHING I was looking for and DEDICATED WITH HEART. She has already won my respect and admiration and I think I have an eye like Sunny Shay too ;) Just too bad it is not in me to get in the limelight to show...especially with a bad left lung since childhood. Hell...I don't even clean house by myself and usually hire help! Just hard to find someone to trust with a piece of your heart and my own children know the hounds are loved just as much (and bury their ashes with me!!!!). Wanted to put a pic of her dogs here but didn't get permission....yet ;)
And on the topic of Yahoo Breeders Group...I have a good one for PETA tomorrow! The image below is of my herpetologist bud on the coast who has cleared my property from the copper heads that bit one of my hounds years ago. Killed 'em ALL dead :P Still making stuff from the hides! We may just become compliant and round them up and bring them out to Cali (let the infestation of these things in the south bite thier dogs :P). He does shows kissing them free handed THEN milks venom for research institutes, culls the poplulation and NOTHING goes to waste. We even use the bones for crafts and he knows I will hurt him bad if he even drives down my streets with one of these. I will upload some great pics of him tomorrow and download my opinions on ignorant PETA. What...does their brain permanently live in 'tra la la' land? Hmmm. Lack of sufficient protein probably.
So it's "PETA Pit Stop" tomorrow. I'm gased up and ready to roll and you know what PETA can kiss!!