Monday, November 30, 2009

Traffic Jam

FINALLY the yahoo Afghan Breeders group discussed something that pertains to my needs. Pat Gilbert's piece on Sunny Shay, backers, breeders, etc. has me linking her site so I can read all of her articles before asking for guidence or a seminar. However, a pile of puppies in my life would keel me over with a stroke lol!  Just want what Paros deserves...a Championship Title with an excellent handler/groomer. And a comment about her typing 'scarified' instead of 'sacraficed' was worth reading just for the humor!  To dyslectics (myself included) is 'nuf' and Santa has been 'Satan', in my letters anyway.  So "fun Santa" becomes "nuf Satan"! And no....I didn't grow up listening to my albums backwards for a forward perspective but animated blessings from Jesus in my emails has me wonder sometimes if my friends are trying to banish me to hell :/  So 'nuf said ;)

It's well known the bikers, family, and other friends would rather take a physical beating than me open my mouth with a brash opinion rendering my tongue as a sharp edged sword :l  That's why I have to keep these posts private for a bit. When my 70 year old mother says this...I have to attend most family functions with my script of xanax or miss them all together. Thank heavens there aren't many holidays requiring my presence or I would be in rehab :} Oh least I got enough respect from them to have never had trouble in one of my bars or the ones I managed for others. I always said "What I don't see...won't hurt you" ;)

And wee woo hoo!  Paros hiked his leg yesterday to pee for the first time!!  I watched him watch the neighbors lab who runs amuck pee on our trees yesterday and he decided to try this himself lol!  They sure are funny. I can't think of anything that brings me more joy or readiness to spend cash on. He's a big boy now and sad how they grow so fast. Posting a favorite pup pic of his first day out in Greece with his breeder.

They email back and forth in the Afghan Yahoo group like they were in a chat room so off to finish the emails clogged up in that box! A traffic jam one can appreciate ;)