I'm missing church this morning and adding fresh pics I took yesterday on the way to dinner in Oakland. Jim is unpacking and I am opting out of my yahoo Afghan group because I found out my member # is 666 (as luck would have it :/). I did find a mentor from there who has been helpful with referring us to a handler, where to start his AKC registration with the papers from Greece, and also see some wonderful people from there I've had contact with before who have reputable kennels as well but tomorrow I have another date with my husband to light my candle alone in peace. I just won't put off the fence on one of the few weekends we are both home and I am able to walk (and lol...I was wanting to show off the fact I could go to church with shoes on both of my feet at the same time!!). Oh well. At least we don't have to work EVERY Sunday like we used to!

Charleston is a slow paced southern town with loads of charm. I really like it here. Southerner's in general aren't really ever in a hurry to get anywhere anyway and although I will miss the shopping and services a larger city has...I won't miss the crime, drugs, violence, and fast paced progression that comes with it. I think the laid back lifestyle will set in more once we get settled. The lady from the restaurant we frequent in Oakland was surprised we haven't already unloaded here. I guess I am more careful planning on the placement of things like paintings, prints, books, etc. and the red master bedroom has me confused on whether I am in the flames of passion or fires of hell. I'm more like 'smouldering ash' lol! Ok, ok....with all my recent troubles one would say 'fires of hell' but this place has good vibes and maybe I'm just a descendent of Joeb :l I do have 5 gallons of paint to remedy that and as for services or mass...just like animals...I don't want to take my negative vibes around others for them to pick up on. Usually the first thing Ceasar Milan from "The Dog Whisperer" tells his clients and what they teach in animal behaviorism in college so...no gathering for me this morning. Haha...maybe an exorcism later? Not funny.
Off for now to add some links of my refound Photoshop Tutorial sites here before we head out of town. I can thank our Father on the way for all the blessings and pray for the afflicted, hungry, & abused children so REDUCE SPEED: Men At Work ;}