Hating myself and being down all day yesterday for having to clip my hound...I avoided emails, phone calls, door bells etc. Just had a few drinks, played with "
widgets" and videos on the computer. Did talk to a friend in Louisiana and my sister of course. If anyone knows how I am about my or my dogs hair...it's them. The family even knows that I'm to be buried with my hounds ashes, hair, and boots on lol. I had to get over it today and do it or don't. His first cut is done and he's ready for a bath before I 'finish' him but I'm surprised how handsome he is! I left the back legs and some of the front along with his head and he looks like a biker with chaps on!! I have to admit...it's the first time I've ever had to clip one of my dogs (including Lhasa's) but pray it's the last. I'm sooo going to order back up pin brushes instead of the junk they sell at these chain pet stores. Yuk! Only good for dog food, treats, and frivilous items. Not even good
leashes or collars :P May this be a note to myself to order a couple more
martingale collar, pee band, and a mat or grooming table. Can always throw the arm on my craft table with a good matt down ;}
Also noting here that I hope to find the music dvd for The Verve. Want 2 copies if they have them...their original video and one with clips from Marley and Me. Haha...that's what we listened to! He was being set free from his bi-weekly brushings and the lyrics keep reminding me it's all in my mind; all the love we have. He was excellent through it and I'm sure his hair will be grown out before I find a competent handler anyway (I sure would like to have the money they will be paid!).

And yesterday when I went to get a case and the store clerks wanted to assist me in carrying it out...I wondered how they knew I was Jim's wife. Duhhh! I probably look like the only other "biker-ess" in a town with the population of 2,198! So as in the song again...no matter how many corners I have to turn, how many lessons I have to learn...I'm a lucky girl, I have no disgrace with who I am, I know where I'm at, and I got a love that will never die. And wait till P gets a real taste again of his liberty next week when the fence is up!! I'm sure that I may not get to work on any of my projects for the next 2-3 weeks but boy are we going to have a blast playing fetch, learning tricks, jumping hurdles, and just enjoying the weather before the winter comes.

I'm still deleting old graphics, pics, and keeping just the ones I want. I may just use some graphics I previously done since I'm having a hard time relearning the new updated versions of software for Photoshop, PSP, not to mention the filters and all. They don't even have Blade Pro anymore. I gasped at the new prices of Alien Skin's Eye Candy and the likes! But this time I know to burn a CD with just the select photos as I've been through this twice this year, not to mention broken bones as well :/ Guess I'm getting too old for skates and how I miss having a horse so I need to note the broke bones year here as well :l