Friday, November 20, 2009

Dangerous Curve Ahead

Lmao...I'm about done with re-loading my computer. Just have to figure out how to use that plug in device to back all this stuff up :l Last I played hard on a computer was around 2001-2 and had converted to CD's from floppies 3 years before that and never really learned or used it that much. Too busy with the software programs, bar, and beach house. Now we have this new thing that has been in my drawer for a couple of months now.

Scanned drawings today and now time to blog for my 15 minutes of fame lol!  Really this is my private 'download' BS spot, add links that I lose from computer deaths, and throw a few pics up to be housed here until I do the 2 year old parked web site :/ Got a little serious about it last night and laughed sooo hard reading 'web pages that suck' along with other site building resources when they said "NO MUSIC". I about burst a gut or bladder thinking 'Well...I'll just load 2 songs to play at the same time to thwart visitors'. This way I can keep all my rants, raves, disorganized thoughts, bookmarks etc. in a lumped up pile; here! I also thought of why one of the Hell's used to call me 'woodstock' back in 79-80. I asked him why and he replied "You are like the bird character in the peanuts that flies aroumd, stumbles, then rolls into something banging it's head" :/  LOL...I remember banging my head on one of Barry's hanging plants last year not once, but twice!  He busted me both this is in thoughts of him ;)

Hound club responded today so now I am stalking them instead of others with wallpapers trying to get them to let me put their/our club site online. Am I using them for a guinea pig? Partially but it's free to them and practice for me :) I think it would be great to have a site online for us! It's subject to review and editing and well...I gave her the option of publishing it herself. Just my way of donating to the club until I get upstairs to do 'physical' art lol! I'm heading up there today but's have Jim unpack my weight bench that has been reboxed for 5 months now or I'll be joining some Jenny Craig crap so therefor the road sign today is...hehe....

Dangerous Curve Ahead