New Roads
I re-read some of "Raising the Surface" last night and "Vanishing Act" this morning at breakfast before Jim headed out to NC for the week. When he left, I decided to surf a little on the topics of machine embroidery and needle felting and found a couple of new blog sites that may ease my re-entry into these techniques. Creative Textile and Quilting Arts has some downloadable classes I may be interested in later if I get to purchase a Brother 1500s or comparable machine but still too much to do before I tackle any large projects. For now I will just do small cards in leather or snakeskin and fibers to family, friends, breeders, docs and stuff to notify of new address. Don't think the bones will hold up through the post though so will embellish with a little metal, metallic embossing, or burn a design into scrap leather. Will post old pics of biker stuff we did on the coast for now until I get some new photos (love this easy to do digital stuff but will never get rid of my telephoto lenses and equipment for eagle shots, poker runs, and the likes!).
What a beautifully clear week we are scheduled for the week!! Finally!!! No rain in the horizon and tomorrow will be Paros 1 year anniversary with us since we flew him in from Greece last year so I will take him on a nice long walkabout before I clip him down. I think he will hate me because he does not want anything to do with them...even if it's a sanitary clip or to trim the pads of his paws :/ I never had to clip one of my Afghans before so I will be sick and angry with myself the whole day I'm sure. Doubt I'll even post anything that day and it's been since the early 90's that I've groomed dogs under my internship through vet med so I'm sure I'll be just as scared as him. My breeder will hate me and never sell me another hound and I don't know why people think you can just move and set up in a week but I was packing for 3 months before the trucks and movers were scheduled. And I am STILL enquiring about professional groomers who can wrap coats or to back up groom when I am down or unoccupied but I am in the middle of nowhere now so it will be harder. It's 2 hours to the Memphis Afghan Hound club so I don't think I'll renew my membership this year unless they can be a source of good reference in this matter. I'll drive for that and P likes to ride too ;)
Off to to join a couple of blogspots relative to my interests and sooo glad to find out Caroll Lenthall has one in English!!! I had a hard time reading her site in French since I don't use the language much anymore and she moved from tripod to her own address as well so woo hoo!! She is the most talented embellisher and her embroidery work is fabulous!! Seems everything the french do has me attentive, drooling, and errect (haha...pun intended too!). I will hopefully get some 1948 500 cent francs banque notes off the Martial Robin since my bank shorted him on an international wire transfer of monies I owed him for a few pieces of his artwork. Wachovia was clueless on this service so why they offer it I don't know. I had to make the girl do a walkthrough over the phone and it STILL took the bank 2-3 days to send it over. Of course the buck fell in comparison to Lire in that time so he was shorted about $50. He has been a sweetie during the time our country was going to hell on a slip and slide lol (I have already done penance from all the swearing during the move so opps!). horizon and new roads and the week is already lookin' better!