I was asked for my opinion on something yesterday before I headed out the door and being that it was from one of my favorite contacts...I opened the email, rushed through the photos, and then commented on what I scrolled quickly through. When we reached Memphis, I found myself running into people, walls, my husband, and then I am asking someone in electronics about dog food :/ I can vaguely remember my husband laughing all day yesterday and he probably thought that I had left my mind at home! My father always told me: "Slow down and think before you speak". In reflection...I recalled only spitting negative opinions and observations on things I've encountered so I asked myself why was this when generally I am a positive person?

I think we all become in such a hurry to meet a deadline that we don't slow down to obtain a balanced view. There is a dual nature to everything; black/white, fast/slow, order/chaos, right/wrong, positive/negative. Upon returning I looked twice more at the photos and it became clear that I couldn't "see the forest for the trees" as the say. I never have been the leader type, just the typical virgo follower like my husband (also a virgo). So who's leading the pack? Paros aka 'Marley'. According to Cesar Milan...this is the first thing we need to come to terms with; slowing down in order to take control.
And when focused....what did I discover about those photos? That there was more good points than negative ones and that a fast paced lifestyle just leads to stress, chaos, disorder, and negative view points so today's photos are on my youngest daughter and her dad's cab company in California along with the graphics I created for his website years ago, a road pic from my area. And the road sign/message? "Reduce Speed Ahead" (or get a ticket lol!).