Weee! Fence is up and Paros is full throttle! It's great too see him play off the lead outdoors again. I just think of the movie "Marly and Me" when he lets Marley off the lead to run amuck on the beach and probably why I adore the Verve song "Lucky Man". And don't I feel lucky! I've had so much free time that I baked, grilled, and played with all my software trying to re-learn layers, filters, transforms, custom gradients and textures and oh boy...here come vectors, alpha and masks in the channels palette! Pulled out painter and never did get my intuos drawing tablet but good thing. The saying "If you don't use it, you lose it" is true. I lost it. Maybe that is why Jim throws his arms up in the air and yells "FRIENDS" when we are in the nut isle of the grocery store :/
Well...I may still have a lot to learn but the global piece didn't turn out as
bad as I thought it would. Of course my mesh isn't as tight as the tutorial over at
Photoshop Cafe as I would have liked it but it does remind me of the fence. All in time for my youngest daughters birthday too. We enjoyed looking at old photos and reminiscing of her time with us in New Orleans area. Hehe...she seemed to get headaches around our fiends...uhh...I mean friends. Whatever...we play hard anyway and we could use a dose of fun for the holidays away from family tensions and stresses of charity to the direlects and homeless. It's all good but I need a
real break and miss my other 'family' and main home too. Jim and the boys didn't get to go with me last year so here I come again Dot! Swamp surfin'!! Then off to see the boys! And swamp pics, eagle shots, Copelands....

Still unpacking and still re-loading pics,
fonts, bookmarks, etc. Now my computer is making noises again. Hope the new computer company (Howard Computers) back their services. And the economy is supposed to be stressed? Ha! Still can't find services for obedience, grooming, or other classes around here. I may go back to school for grooming and although I had several weeks of apprenticeship Dr. Edwards provided for me years ago after dropping out of college, it wasn't enough for show cuts. I can do most breed clips and with matt comb in hand...I was always out to save the pets coat from clipping! We had show groomers and handlers in Louisiana though and between them and me...the boys stayed in full coat.
Till then, we are off the chain so NO SPEED LIMIT!