Whoaaa. Half the day went to finding the "off" button for emails in my yahoo group I just joined. I was skeptical about joining at first because it was for breeders. I did find what I was looking for.
Friction caused his coat to mat above EVERYTHING; move, surgery on foot, broke brush, etc. One email had a pic of 3 mountain lions by a car in the Colorado snow with "Hehehe, honey, would you go warm up the car?" Then it hit me!! Before the broken pin brush and move...I chewed my husband out for rubbing Paros' coat in all directions when he would pet him! Bad! I could have sent his a** to that car :} Then when the move came and people were over...same thing. Snapped at my younger sister, niece, etc. With me incapacitated and all that was going on...his coat was doomed. If
only I had found back up help. I always said I was a mean and strict boss and my oldest girl (this paragraph) hated helping me with leaves on Saturdays because we could never keep a gardener. My girl that helped me clean my pool and cars from the beach house was stolen by the car dealer up the road because my cars stayed spotless. Ok...maybe she left because I am hard edged :/ I think my girl here must have developed the same edge. Her Roller Derby shot here speaks the same as well as the pictures of her in her band; Area 69. Hmmmm. Wonder if she gets this 'mulit-tasking' thing from me too?

Maybe I should have named this entry "Beware of Dog". Me. 3 good things did happened today though. Went to lunch in town and noticed the 3 new murals they put up in town this month. One is of Morgan Freeman who so happens to be my neighbor. The others? A group member who does
Afghan quilts too! Also noticed Sirae Breeder online there. I like her and her kennel of hounds. But noooo. I was still mad all day. My jaw still hurts from staying clenched in anger and neck tight from tension. I just couldn't clear my head from reflecting back on everything that has happened in the past 7 weeks. Then my husbands co-worker emailed me asking if he could give a good home to the boob shots! I couldn't help but burst with laughter and soooo needed that! I did send him a modeling pic of my youngest (here) in Hawaii. He would have made a good camera man with all that enthusiasm ;}
I am going to light a candle and do penance for all the swearing I've done this month and can't wait till it all washes away. Like the hair on my beloved hound ~gloom~ Or the beach house on the coast. And to those who do enter here...BEWARE OF DOG! Me.