Just answered my younger daughter's email in California and have been studying
PS brush tools, browsers, and looking at screenshots in Deviant Art this weekend on the computer. Got caught in 'Email Hell' with Yahoo Hound group but did enjoy looking at the new photos from my breeders site. She didn't get rid of a puppy...she gained a people! She will always know how loved and well cared for her 1st male puppy is and who better to have for a mentor than your breeder? We sent out a cookbook as a late Cmas gift last year and not sure what she will get this year unless she hasn't seen the movie "Marley and Me"...hehe...and on that note with this title...I am inserting screenshots of my desktop and my pics of Hollywood, California ;)

Comfortable working with my smaller 21" XP desktop...it hit me that NOTHING is installed on my Vista computer. It is hooked up to my 52" TV in the den and I thought that I would enjoy using it but as large as the screen is...I still can't read it well and have to sit on the floor close to it to in order to zoom the pages to 200% so I think if I install another browser or learn how to blow up the browser bars...it would work for me but totally uncomfortable with the keyboard in my lap on the floor :/ Couldn't get a screen shot either since no editing programs are installed so
Firefox with it's
ad ons seems my best bet for that until I learn how to do this stuff. I used to use Neoplanet and adored that browser but don't know why they haven't kept up with their advancements. That was one customizable browser I would have paid for! The child in the box here is my great niece, the entertainer of her group of siblings. Give a child a toy and they are happy for a couple of hours, but give them a box and they will play with if for days until it is shreds!
Maybe one day when all this is behind me I will be ready to update to PS CS4 and windows 7 on the big computer and get a wacom tablet. For now...I have to figure out what I'm taking to the Afghan Hound club meet up in Memphis tomorrow night. Brought wine last time so think I will take an appetizer this round. Maybe some Brie, crackers, and smoked oysters.

And in uploading some of my photos...I noticed my Hollywood pics didn't make it but posting 1 of the HD shop there (I pics I've taken of every Harley Davidson shop around the country and in the Islands). The mission photo was taken in San Juan Capistrano where I spent the day with an ex mother-in-law. It is the oldest one (300 yrs.+) in California.
As for screen shots...mine would be lucky to make it to editing. It sure won't get a star on Hollywood!