I found out this site gives away free cookies and looks horrible in half the browsers out there! Thank you
browser shots! I didn't even know netscape was still out there and never heard of a ubantu dildo (pun intended). I do believe the reason they quit making Neoplanet was because the browser also skinned windows and bet Gates had issues with that. There is now a site called Neowin.net (neoplanet to neowinnet...hmmm).
Windows blinds is a nice software that skins windows at a great price (via the
Object Desktop product that includes object dock, fences, etc.) but last thing on my list of software since wacom, another monitor, another editor, etc. come first. I still haven't been on the new computer I bought for the den's flat screen yet :/ Sooo behind but advanced since the early 80's when we used to load each font on a film strip by hand! Do want to learn what a mac and linux are all about one day.

Saw my email boxes and ran over here to take a break from answering all that. I know better now than to advoid it for days at a time now lol but did have a bit or surfing fun on Sunday sending out Ecards and looking at tutorials and art from
Vladstudio. LOL...spent 2 hours in just one site and wow is he good with PS pen tool! Has several star fields like I do with the harleys and hounds but he is really proficient in PS. In the 11 years of owning PS (although I haven't been online in about 8-9)...I have never used it. Tried to but hate it. That's why the art I do by hand makes it here today. When I draw something I like...I will re-edit it until I have rendered it into something useable, like these so I can use them as patterns when I burn leather or quilt...uh...or actually raw edged applique wall art using beading and fibers where the lines are...then NOT quilted half the time. I must have 20 or so unfinished products but this time I am keeping some for myself ;)

Another site I moved in to is
CSS Tricks where Chris Coyier has done a wonderful job explaining exactly what it is via video. Whoaaa! That simple ;) Just one mark-up page explaining to all the HTML pages what style so when you go to edit...you just edit everything from the CSS sheet! How sweet. Better than editing every page and I mean I had over 100 pages when I was Southern Roads and if I wanted to change buttons or add another page...I had to go back in and add it to each page. This took me days. Pushing 50 now my body would've been found in the library at the computer done in by Mr. Gates with the mouse :/
Hopefully Dreamsuite will call today and I can finish that transaction while Stardock is looking good to me. Better stay out of trouble and back to CSS so nuff cookies for me today. It's off down the rabbit hole to follow the information Hiways ;)