
Speaking of our father...here is a link to "Drawing Heaven" about an astounding 12 yr. old prodigy that paints and plays music because she says he tells her too. Her mother was atheist and her work is amazing! She has been painting since 4 and the concept of God was never discussed in her home. I also never knew the silence there was when Buzz Aldrin took his first steps on the moon was due to his taking communion. NASA said it was best not to radio it because Ohare..atheist b*tch...would have protested. I'm not against atheists really. Just when they tread on our grounds of freedom of expression and speech. Weren't we "One Nation Under God" anyway? We have to suffer their silence so I guess our freedoms were obliterated to hell :/
Some good news at least...Saints won and Paros (note the "M" for "Marley") may get a running pal! I should've thrown the Shih Tzu to all these groomers to be the guinea pig to test their abilities lol!
Well...it's still cold and snowed in Memphis today. We just got rain so nothing but mud. Watching for black ice though as the signs say..."Bridge May Ice" in cold weather.