
Well lol I bet my friends and family will NEVER try and get me to join another one of those gimicky web spots again! It kept showing whatever I was doing so the wall filled up with me adding links, joining charities I already donate to, interchanging my igoogle and yahoo pages (you can get facebook on igoogle) and adding widgets that I find too tacky to place here, although I have some on the bottom right. I have a bible quote of the day above my horoscope which is above a swear word trying to get "The Dog Whisperer" widget to work!! How incongruent. I did find a couple of cool widgets, the Saints for a friend, Tarot readings for a daughter, Mardi Gras countdown and Afghan Hound one I posted here...then discovered I could make my own widget for this site! LOL...I did just that but didn't make it available to the gallery. The link to Dogstar where Cesar Millan's dog "Daddy" has a dog diary spot also contains pet food recalls, games, pics, ask a vet, and other interactive and informative pages. Really liked this site and want to check it out in detail since I'm through 'widgeting' lol!
Well, even though I should be studying CSS and start working on the .com, .net, and .org sites I had fun. Pat Gilbert from the Afghan Hound group sends the best jokes and has a K9 Seminar I think our club could benefit from. I would like to help with the monies to get her here...or maybe me there? I do plan to see my girl in California by next summer.
Just like last time, I'll delete the widgets after playing with them but it's been a fun 2 dog days with them, the links, and even watching black ice on the net and not the road ;)