
Other than being really busy on facebook playing 'Farmville' with a friend whose birthday is in a month, I've been busy with Photoshop and my new filters Dreamsuite and Eye Candy creating her a wallpaper, icons etc. I think it is some of my best work yet! I just hope she is the kind of person who changes her wallpaper often ;) I've decided to sport it on my computer and as the entrance to my site (that's still not open :l). She is 6 months older than I am and I've known her for about 20 yrs. when I first started internship at the local vet in Slidell, La.; Ponchartrain Animal Hospital. I call it "My Aries Friend" and it has inspired me to do the other 11 signs of the zodiac and research more into the Greek Mythology and celestial navigation so I have some new links and bookmarks. It was also interesting on crossing paths with the book of Enoch in my research for her signs prophets and apostle as well as the tale of Aries, the Golden Fleeced Ram that inspired the legend of Jason and the Argonauts.
Total PS, dreamsuite filter, and Eye Candy for the fire I smudge to create the "Fire Burst Sun Flower" along with some awesome fonts that have now become my favorite listed in the file info in copyprighting and found at Dafont.
As for some other signs here, my Gemini hound had an awesome weekend and got by with a few things on his outing Sat. Coming up the drive our 3 resident deer were standing in the yard and he broke loose and leaped ontop of Jim hounding away. Waking me up at 4:20 am to scare hiccups from him, he knows where to come when they are bad enough to aggrevate him. He adores his 'rides' but definitely a hound to chase the big game like Canis Major in the Atelier Typographique above from the Urania Mirror Celestial Atlas (above; wikipedia).
Serious. Or should I say 'Sirius' from the skyways ;)