Monday, February 15, 2010

One Lane But Not Nation

Woke up this morning to more "snow sludge" and took this photo out of Paros' window. Headline News said that EVERY state in the US has snow on the ground right now except for Hawaii and that 68% of it has snow (some area in a state won't have snow). I don't mind snow so much but when it's rain mixed with snow to produce this 'snow sludge'...yuk! And Paros has to be walked on the pavement to avoid all the muddy he creates! He saw 3 does hanging out by the trees seen here and had a fit to go play with them. He really wants a large animal, whether it's the labs next door or the deer around here, to run with. The Shih Tzu is just a fun thing to taunt and doesn't keep up with him outside too much. I can't imagine what he'll be like when we expand the fence area out an acre this spring.

It can be pretty in the winter and we can see the lake through the bare trees (shot below). The pic didn't come out too bad since it was shot through the glass pane of the window but the very last shot below of the front yard was captured from standing on the outside balcony. You can see the one lane that runs up here and after receiving an email from church about us not being 'one nation under God' this morning with a link to it's message...I couldn't help but feel a little down. I hope they are just getting this. We've had the freedom of expression through  prayer removed from us since the 60's. It was 20 years to hit me about the silence in school and I can remeber I was in the second grade when prayer stopped. It was that each separate religion could keep their faith through saying the prayer to God so Jews could join but Atheiasts would sit whereas a Muslim girl would sit and pray in silence. It opened my mind to the different religions in which I persued heavily in boarding school as well as today. I go to a protestant church with my catholic bible and have several different ones (including the Noble Quran) along with a tolerence of everyones preference. Mine is no longer tolerated though nor are we "One Nation, Under God". I guess we should utilize National Prayer Day while we still have it (1st Thurday in May...fixed from floating by Reagan).

Nuff depressing stuff for now.