Thursday, February 11, 2010


Well...the weather today is calling for snow with rain...then a light snow. What the hell is that?!? Sludgy ice mud?!? And what's up with the weather around here? I mean, it used to only snow about once every 5 years and now we get all this stuff :/  And I was wanting to order the Wacom drawing tablet for my computer. If it means opening the door to the Fed X people....forget it. I'll just play with dreamsuite for now (doggon font with dreamsuite 1's filter...DimensionX).

Spent most of the morning reactivating my Facebook account just to view pictures of my grandchildren and well...a friend finally got her a spot on the web. Don't know what happened with her windows live and Deja vue,  Deja vu....isn't this like My Space?!? Whatever happened to everyone over there?!? I think facebook is worse! It's where the masses go and reminds me of how everyone got sucked into the AOL trap (lol...never went there but somehow get sucked in signing up to view these other dumb ass sites :/). Ahhh...I love them anyway so what the hell.

I figured out what was wrong with everyone. Infarcts. HLN mentioned so much brain death ensued with improper diets and around here...eating wheat germ, honey or raw sugar for sweetner, raw fruits and vegetables are uncommon. Although catfish is popular here...finding fish high with omega 3 isn't as common. Could be the drinking water too :l Posting insert from dog of P's favorite recipes from "The Good Food Cookbook for Dogs. He had peanut butter cookies (hehe...for hair growth) last night and tonight is having chicken stew (frozen skinned chicken breast with brown rice, carrots, and broccoli). Believe it or not is comes out cheaper than canned dog food. I have him on a holistic kibble and reading "Better Food for Dogs" which is the best for detailed information on diets and the canine food recalls (I think the dogs eat better than most people around here :/).

As soon as my brain thaws I think I'll shoot some more pics but getting tired of these walls and all this sludge and ice/rain/snow stuff. Wouldn't be bad if something were on TV but Dexter and Sons of Anarchy won't kick off their new seasons for a bit and living in the Delta, local TV isn't available to us if we paid for it. Wish Hugh Hefner wouldn't have gotten new girlfriends or I could be watching "The Girls Next Door". I miss Bridget and her comatose pet pal 'Wednesday' :{ Reminds me of the Shih Tzu.