Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Information Hiways

I found out this site gives away free cookies and looks horrible in half the browsers out there! Thank you browser shots! I didn't even know netscape was still out there and never heard of a ubantu dildo (pun intended). I do believe the reason they quit making Neoplanet was because the browser also skinned windows and bet Gates had issues with that. There is now a site called Neowin.net (neoplanet to neowinnet...hmmm). Windows blinds is a nice software that skins windows at a great price (via the Object Desktop product that includes object dock, fences, etc.) but last thing on my list of software since wacom, another monitor, another editor, etc. come first. I still haven't been on the new computer I bought for the den's flat screen yet :/ Sooo behind but advanced since the early 80's when we used to load each font on a film strip by hand! Do want to learn what a mac and linux are all about one day.

Saw my email boxes and ran over here to take a break from answering all that. I know better now than to advoid it for days at a time now lol but did have a bit or surfing fun on Sunday sending out Ecards and looking at tutorials and art from Vladstudio. LOL...spent 2 hours in just one site and wow is he good with PS pen tool! Has several star fields like I do with the harleys and hounds but he is really proficient in PS. In the 11 years of owning PS (although I haven't been online in about 8-9)...I have never used it. Tried to but hate it. That's why the art I do by hand makes it here today. When I draw something I like...I will re-edit it until I have rendered it into something useable, like these so I can use them as patterns when I burn leather or quilt...uh...or actually raw edged applique wall art using beading and fibers where the lines are...then NOT quilted half the time. I must have 20 or so unfinished products but this time I am keeping some for myself ;)

Another site I moved in to is CSS Tricks where Chris Coyier has done a wonderful job explaining exactly what it is via video. Whoaaa! That simple ;) Just one mark-up page explaining to all the HTML pages what style so when you go to edit...you just edit everything from the CSS sheet! How sweet. Better than editing every page and I mean I had over 100 pages when I was Southern Roads and if I wanted to change buttons or add another page...I had to go back in and add it to each page. This took me days. Pushing 50 now my body would've been found in the library at the computer done in by Mr. Gates with the mouse :/ 

Hopefully Dreamsuite will call today and I can finish that transaction while Stardock is looking good to me. Better stay out of trouble and back to CSS so nuff cookies for me today. It's off down the rabbit hole to follow the information Hiways ;)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Drive By

Alrighty then! Nothing like a good ol' drive by shooting right in front of ya when you are returning home from Memphis at 9 pm!!  Wee! Some good ol' city fun there...hehe. Of course I was so fixated on the streak of lightning from the large caliber gun than the car turning in front of us while Jim was eyeing the car! I was ducking as we drove by the house when the light changed on Central and Goodwyn by the university but noticed all the lights on with drapes pulled back at the home. Asked if we shouldn't call 911 from the Florida cell phone but Jim said only if I wanted to wait around for the cops to come. That was a "HELLLL NO!" I did check the paper online but no one was shot, thank heavens, from what the commercial appeal posted. All I could think about on the 2 hour drive home was this old web site version from when I was Southern Roads .com (squatters still on it and wanting thousands of dollars :/). It's not that I'm afraid of guns. I own some. I'm afraid of the idiots running amuck firing aimlessly and at random with anger and hatred for the world in their hearts.

Needless to say no one showed up to the club meet due to the weather outside of the officers. Their meeting didn't start till 8 and we were late when we arrived at 8:45 due to weather, couple of stops, and took the spare van since I'm afraid of the convertible in bad weather or long distances. I did get to see her 6-8 or so whippets all in a line at the door and they were the sweeetest pile of honeys all with kisses for me!  I just left the Brie, crackers, and hummus as a christmas gift with the secretary and wanted to mention...Paros told me to get the hummus with greek olives from him ;) 

I did get permission from her to start the club site so all wasn't wasted. It does show my drive and determination and I think an interactive website will do some good. The yahoo group doesn't even mention the Afghan specialty shows they put on here in their postings and getting the word out will help inform others. I should be tooling and burning leather by spring and will do some hound art in a piece for giveaway or raffle to benefit the club.

As for some of the breeders in the yahoo group...I'm certainly glad I screen my breeders. Probably more so than they screen their homes. Last post I read was how often to breed a bitch with LSU research which is constantly changing and did we factor in the variables? Caliber and type of breed? What ever happened to AKC's Paranthood Association where you shouldn't breed your bitch, and this is a harsh term for me, more than twice in it's lifetime? Hmmmm. Maybe studies and rules have changed again or something. I'm just allll too happy with the one I found. And thank heavens for Pat Gilbert over there who in reading her comments, you can tell she is intelligent, funny, and loaded with common sense so all's not lost there either.

As for drive by's...it'll take quite some effort to drive up this remote private lane and there's not a shot in hell they can pass the house!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Hollywood and Vine


Just answered my younger daughter's email in California and have been studying PS brush tools, browsers, and looking at screenshots in Deviant Art this weekend on the computer. Got caught in 'Email Hell' with Yahoo Hound group but did enjoy looking at the new photos from my breeders site. She didn't get rid of a puppy...she gained a people! She will always know how loved and well cared for her 1st male puppy is and who better to have for a mentor than your breeder? We sent out a cookbook as a late Cmas gift last year and not sure what she will get this year unless she hasn't seen the movie "Marley and Me"...hehe...and on that note with this title...I am inserting screenshots of my desktop and my pics of Hollywood, California ;)

Comfortable working with my smaller 21" XP desktop...it hit me that NOTHING is installed on my Vista computer. It is hooked up to my 52" TV in the den and I thought that I would enjoy using it but as large as the screen is...I still can't read it well and have to sit on the floor close to it to in order to zoom the pages to 200% so I think if I install another browser or learn how to blow up the browser bars...it would work for me but totally uncomfortable with the keyboard in my lap on the floor :/  Couldn't get a screen shot either since no editing programs are installed so Firefox with it's ad ons seems my best bet for that until I learn how to do this stuff. I used to use Neoplanet and adored that browser but don't know why they haven't kept up with their advancements. That was one customizable browser I would have paid for! The child in the box here is my great niece, the entertainer of her group of siblings. Give a child a toy and they are happy for a couple of hours, but give them a box and they will play with if for days until it is shreds!

Maybe one day when all this is behind me I will be ready to update to PS CS4 and windows 7 on the big computer and get a wacom tablet. For now...I have to figure out what I'm taking to the Afghan Hound club meet up in Memphis tomorrow night. Brought wine last time so think I will take an appetizer this round. Maybe some Brie, crackers, and smoked oysters.

And in uploading some of my photos...I noticed my Hollywood pics didn't make it but posting 1 of the HD shop there (I pics I've taken of every Harley Davidson shop around the country and in the Islands). The mission photo was taken in San Juan Capistrano where I spent the day with an ex mother-in-law. It is the oldest one (300 yrs.+) in California.

As for screen shots...mine would be lucky to make it to editing. It sure won't get a star on Hollywood!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Delta Blues Trail

I think this journaling has been real conducive in remembering links and favorite sites. I was making a Christmas wallpaper last night and thought of doing a custom one for my daughter but couldn't remember where I saw a guitar photo at. Then it hit me I put it on the blog!  Haha...can't remember other stuff either, like to order a newspaper subscription here which is only $25 per year and I've already talked to them prior to moving in :/ Maybe that's why I got a free one the other day and what do you know but the frontpage has an article on Robert Plant's visit here last week for the event officially marking a path along the blues trail here in the Delta (article here). Although they kept his arrival under wraps...it looked like a beautiful fall day and I would have definitely attended if I had know. I grew up listening to Led Zepplin in the early 70's and then again later to Plant's "Principle of Moments" which I no longer own when I sold my albums in order to convert to CD's. This in turn makes me think of a collegue, Carol, who lives in New Orleans where her and her husband own a favorite resteraunt of mine; Port of Call and Snug Harbor. As virgos and vegetarians in college together for graphic arts management...she was lucky enough to attend his birthday bash in New Orleans that year (he is a virgo too ;). Ahhh how things come back around again and I may be slower than these slow towns but I do enjoy it here in the Delta and love the blues. And as always...."I'm in the Mood for a Melody" and "My Love is in League with the Freeway" (from the cut "Big Log" off of Plant's 'Principal of Moments').

Jim left for the airport and me...to explore more on a new filter, Dreamsuite and I am verrryyyy impressed. This is how a filter should be! The company suggested others I may be interested in and I finally got KPT to behave properly. I was delighted my daughter thought there was too much lime green in her graphics but never know what rolls around in her precious little head lol. She is very creative in a lot of areas and I try to get her to work with the graphics programs because she used to draw a lot. Of course she sings and plays string instruments but usually active too. Plan to use that KPT filter on a guitar image or font. Yes...they have fonts with guitar images but I have to go and read the terms :/ If the request a link back...I usually won't download because I have to much to remember as it is! Maybe I should be singing the blues ;)

Off to the great outdoors with Paros and hope he doesn't see anymore deer. His howling and hounding sounds like he is in pain or something. I think he is the only one singing the blues because he can't run down those deer down on that trail!!

And, uhhh....I'm leaving this posted to remind me to buy the CD and newspaper subscription!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rush Hour

Funny how I talk about meat and Jim comes in claiming a billboard he saw on his way home that was his (he knows how I relate signs to the incidents in life). Being a big beef eater and tolerating my 2 vegetarian nights a week, beef once to twice, etc....he gets alllll too happy about cow butt :/  The sign said "Beef. It's why the aliens take our cows." Too funny. I sometimes think they've abducted one of my daughters as well. My occasional pink haired eldest wanted me to do her some lime green logos for her band. I was suprised she didn't request hot pink :l  Haha...she isn't always sporting this color of dye!  Just for shows although between her band gigs and roller derby escapades...it seemed she was constantly in the spotlight with a different color of hair throughout the year!

Seems today she has been on my mind but after my husband had me zipping 300,000 KB of photos to send his company and email them, I had to think outside the box, lol!  As for those emails...I ended up burning them to CD and he can just take them with him to Florida when he flys out tomorrow. I think I may get a little in the christmas spirit and do some decorating. Haha...wreaths on the door and graphics that is! Maybe some shopping. Well...lmao...online maybe because I hate city traffic!

Speaking of which...it's a bit hectic here with Jim in and out, taking care of bills, Christmas preparations and cleaning so with rush hour occuring...color me gone for the day ;)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

PETA Pit Stop


I was a vegetarian for about 20 years and it was mainly due to the psychological aspect of ingesting ground meat you weren't sure of its constituents. My paternal grandparents lived in the governors old plantation in Virginia and were a major producing ham farm and whose pigs (which I never seen because they were behind a tall wooden fence on the far side of the farm) were used for every part. Think about it. 100% pork or beef means just that. Eyeballs, nuts, hoofs, brains and all!  Learning about shipping the remaining parts to companies who ground all this up had me in trouble constantly growing up. I was in the 1st grade when my parents discovered I was throwing all of my meat in the food pantry behind furniture because we were busted too much feeding it to the dogs and well...like most parents...they were always checking the garbage :/  I was even sooo sensitive about all this that it wasn't until my late 30's my father let me in on what really happened to our Easter Bunnies. They were given to our Nanny who used them in stew to feed her family :o

I understand Peta's objection concerning mass production of animals for food consumption and the slaughtering techniques (wonder how many are Jewish?!) but when it concerns culling dangerous reptiles in areas they know nothing about, I am OUTRAGED and really, really want to drop a load of snakes in their backyards! Most are in the cities were the population has already been culled but you can bet they'd have a different viewpoint if they were endangering their kids, pets, or selves! I just keep thinking of an activist on the show "Trading Spouses" who was from California and sent to Louisiana. How she tried to show a film about slaughtering chickens and how they have feelings and was sobbing. How dumb she makes PETA look. And with the ozone layer how it is...they need to put those alfalfa sprouts down.

Always on these subjects, I think of my dear friend, Larry, who I met via our crafts. A biker, now certified herpetologist, artisan, and showman...Larry has a rattlesnake ranch in Illinois and these articles can tell one more eloquently about his endeavors (all these photos are of him and I retain rights). I intend on publishing more photos and history on my site as well as acquire some anti-venom for the vets around here if there is ever an emergency of one of the boys being bitten but I have learned a lot about proofing property thanks to him (snake away is a joke). Just glad I don't live in Central America where Fer de Lance have their young born live, not from eggs, and they are as poisonous as the adults. 91 to a brood and anti-venom stations are posted everywhere throught the region an hour away from any direction or you are dead. Hmmmm. Let Peta communion and set up their stations there and see what happens...hehe. And now the Jaycee Rattlesnake Roundups in Texas to cull these varments are banned thanks to them but that's ok. I bought enough from Larry to last years. I do say we should transport excess reptiles to the activists vicinities so their concerns may be laid to rest, however, it does make me want to buy more furs to heavily support the industry and refocus their attention on bunny fu fu instead of nests of snakes ;)

So watch your step and check your mail because we may just become compliant to your wishes. So as for Pit Stops....this one is for you, PETA!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Gas...This Exit


Ohhhhh! I love the new filter sets I got last night!!  Creating my tail off and when the phone rang...I must have jumped 10 feet and it all came crashing down on me of who was I, where am I, what planet is this? I was so far into doing metals and stones...I couldn't have told you my name! I haven't used Eye Candy since Version 3 and now I got V5 with V6 bundle to be shipped out for free!  Haha...better than even the upgrade prices and then for the whole bundle (Impact, Texture, Nature). Still getting Dreamsuite though but will make sure I have the time to install and play with it. 3 day marathon at least but this week Jim comes in from Louisiana only to turn around and fly to Orlando, have bills to pay, club meet on Tues., update car tags....too much. Just glad he gets to see his best bud so here's to you guys ;)

Quit reading Yahoo mail yesterday when I hit a piece on the opinion of this one breeder. And not a good one at that...even others don't respect her lack of ethical practices as well. She wants to sue homes that buy her dogs and don't show them. Some homes ARE show homes but sometimes it is impossible to hire a handler. Especially in the south. Most look out for themselves and not for the dogs. Maybe she should just sell to handlers. No wonder she takes adds in any online 'next day pet' ads. I'll admit...she is good at stacking and training for conformation and at least she can show but breeder? Ha. Anyone can breed. She just doesn't have a good eye for them. I was actually glad to see there was no response to that stupid question

Ahhh. And on the subject of breeders and screening homes....I screen my breeders!  Took me half way around the globe before I found EVERYTHING I was looking for and DEDICATED WITH HEART. She has already won my respect and admiration and I think I have an eye like Sunny Shay too ;) Just too bad it is not in me to get in the limelight to show...especially with a bad left lung since childhood. Hell...I don't even clean house by myself and usually hire help! Just hard to find someone to trust with a piece of your heart and my own children know the hounds are loved just as much (and bury their ashes with me!!!!). Wanted to put a pic of her dogs here but didn't get permission....yet ;)

And on the topic of Yahoo Breeders Group...I have a good one for PETA tomorrow! The image below is of my herpetologist bud on the coast who has cleared my property from the copper heads that bit one of my hounds years ago. Killed 'em ALL dead :P  Still making stuff from the hides! We may just become compliant and round them up and bring them out to Cali (let the infestation of these things in the south bite thier dogs :P). He does shows kissing them free handed THEN milks venom for research institutes, culls the poplulation and NOTHING goes to waste. We even use the bones for crafts and he knows I will hurt him bad if he even drives down my streets with one of these. I will upload some great pics of him tomorrow and download my opinions on ignorant PETA. What...does their brain permanently live in 'tra la la' land? Hmmm. Lack of sufficient protein probably.

So it's "PETA Pit Stop" tomorrow. I'm gased up and ready to roll and you know what PETA can kiss!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Traffic Jam

FINALLY the yahoo Afghan Breeders group discussed something that pertains to my needs. Pat Gilbert's piece on Sunny Shay, backers, breeders, etc. has me linking her site so I can read all of her articles before asking for guidence or a seminar. However, a pile of puppies in my life would keel me over with a stroke lol!  Just want what Paros deserves...a Championship Title with an excellent handler/groomer. And a comment about her typing 'scarified' instead of 'sacraficed' was worth reading just for the humor!  To dyslectics (myself included)...fun is 'nuf' and Santa has been 'Satan', in my letters anyway.  So "fun Santa" becomes "nuf Satan"! And no....I didn't grow up listening to my albums backwards for a forward perspective but animated blessings from Jesus in my emails has me wonder sometimes if my friends are trying to banish me to hell :/  So 'nuf said ;)

It's well known the bikers, family, and other friends would rather take a physical beating than me open my mouth with a brash opinion rendering my tongue as a sharp edged sword :l  That's why I have to keep these posts private for a bit. When my 70 year old mother says this...I have to attend most family functions with my script of xanax or miss them all together. Thank heavens there aren't many holidays requiring my presence or I would be in rehab :} Oh well...at least I got enough respect from them to have never had trouble in one of my bars or the ones I managed for others. I always said "What I don't see...won't hurt you" ;)

And wee woo hoo!  Paros hiked his leg yesterday to pee for the first time!!  I watched him watch the neighbors lab who runs amuck pee on our trees yesterday and he decided to try this himself lol!  They sure are funny. I can't think of anything that brings me more joy or readiness to spend cash on. He's a big boy now and sad how they grow so fast. Posting a favorite pup pic of his first day out in Greece with his breeder.

They email back and forth in the Afghan Yahoo group like they were in a chat room so off to finish the emails clogged up in that box! A traffic jam one can appreciate ;)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Parking Zone

Boy am I glad to have this going so I can post what I find where these days!  Fontspace had some irresistable fonts I couldn't help but download; Aspire, Black Jack, and Dragonfly.  I such a font freak and typing that...wonder if he is still online. I did notice Moyra and Peelee aren't here anymore so still surfing to see who is still up and who isn't. Also researching plugins. I'm still not sure who will have the better metal application between Alien Skin's Eye Candy, Blade Pro, and Dreamsuite 1. Just mad my KPT acts retarded and scared to get a wacom till things are in order. Think I'll attempt to straighten that out today and by Monday I'll try the demo's on the 3 programs and see which one I will benefit most from.

With my beastie bud in Louisiana this week I think I will start to work out again on the gym, do some stitching, bathe Paros, check on monitoring company, and see the realtor. Computer stuff to be included are cleaning and reorganizing file downloads, re-scanning my drawings, reinstalling KPT, etc. Then there comes the dreaded study and research of HTML, CSS, XHTML. Lisa Explains is a good place to start because Lisa explains to kids lol and maybe it will all come back to me pretty quick ;) Before all that I have to update my status on Deviant Art community and post some stuff in the Yahoo Afghan Hound groups. And why did I get suckered into facebook?! It's worse than myspace! I'm so leaving that blank over there. Only yahoo thing I like is the start page although MSN is my home base (considering Phong who has a killer start home page for art deviants like myself...mwa hahahahaha).

Adding note to self on textures, layer styles (ok...I really should read Al's books I bought :/), scripts, and check for tut sites available for Alien Skin and Dreamsuite. Also....


Friday, November 27, 2009

Merging Traffic

Or public domain and gov sea photos into my downloads file folder!  Whoaa. A couple of good sites today were Public Domain PicturesPublic Domain Image, Public Domain Photos, and from NOAA Photo Library (some to be credit from the Ring of Fire exploration but wow!  Quilt inspiration!! Lots of beading and fibers there ;). The first one I mainly found to photographers whose works I drooled over, Anna and Peter, so like others have done me in the past...I will have to send them something in the mail if I ever get around to using their works in a digital piece. For now they will make great personal E-cards and well...2 days of reading and surfing this subject...I'm good to go next tutorial that asks to pull out some kind or puddle with cobblestones, or an orange. LOL...I take a lot of pictures but yet to shoot an orange unless it was in med school or something :l

Next to re-study HTML which is HTML5 = XHTML these days :/  Boy am I behind. I thought I was doing good to produce frames and slicing and dicing images for rollovers. Flash had just came out and I was studying it along with CSS before I quit this stuff. Seems Dreamweaver is still the software to own though. Some things never change ~sigh~

Glad the dogs are doing good from stealing one of the Turkey breasts out of the sink. Paros enjoyed half the breast and doubt he shared any with Bayou. I did cook it anyway for them and they think it's Christmas already lol! Just glad I didn't have to b*tch the vet down to the clinic yesterday on Thanksgiving :o

Well, at least I'll have enough pics of color to digitally render in the fantasy photo manipulation tutorials. It's a pile of mess in there so off to delete or throw in here some wallpapers I was playing with earlier then sort merging traffic or downloaded photos into separate folders; sea, landscape, nature, winter.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Watch for Falling Rocks


Awesome day and boys loved the big, big chicken turkey!  Thought of my friend in Louisiana and found a couple of neat free stock photo sites from good ol' Photoshop Support. Morgue Files has a guy that shoots swamp and cypress pics in Louisiana, Free Stock Photos has some awesome religious and mediteranean photos but you save pic instead of download hi res shot. It does have some serious links and if I ever get a chance to do some digital art...I will have to send them where I post their works. Photoexpress also has some clean downloadable pics but have to go back and read all the lengthy terms of use. I think one was that the shot has to be used in smaller form (under 700 px.) so thats no good if you want to distribute wallpapers :/ For a fee, dreamstime and I Stock Photo are the best. Makes me want to pull my good camera out but need a tripod for my lenses.

Closed this to keep private and play 'keep away' from some individuals. You have to be seriously drunk or drugged out to be around and keep up so I like my head like I love my day...clean and clear. Hate the drama and strange unknown persons all with a social and financial status less than the IQ of the mentally disabled :l  Hehe...I can download what I really think now! Whew.

Miss my father. He was always on the fence post with me concerning family matters. God has a good man with him so today...Dad...you are on my mind as usual and I miss watching out for 'falling rocks' without you ;}

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Turkey Crossing

Hmmm. And deer, and black squirrel but lately...not many wild turkeys.

Run, turkey, run!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This Lane Ends

For Birthdays, Deliveries, and Holidays

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dangerous Curve Ahead

Lmao...I'm about done with re-loading my computer. Just have to figure out how to use that plug in device to back all this stuff up :l Last I played hard on a computer was around 2001-2 and had converted to CD's from floppies 3 years before that and never really learned or used it that much. Too busy with the software programs, bar, and beach house. Now we have this new thing that has been in my drawer for a couple of months now.

Scanned drawings today and now time to blog for my 15 minutes of fame lol!  Really this is my private 'download' BS spot, add links that I lose from computer deaths, and throw a few pics up to be housed here until I do the 2 year old parked web site :/ Got a little serious about it last night and laughed sooo hard reading 'web pages that suck' along with other site building resources when they said "NO MUSIC". I about burst a gut or bladder thinking 'Well...I'll just load 2 songs to play at the same time to thwart visitors'. This way I can keep all my rants, raves, disorganized thoughts, bookmarks etc. in a lumped up pile; here! I also thought of why one of the Hell's used to call me 'woodstock' back in 79-80. I asked him why and he replied "You are like the bird character in the peanuts that flies aroumd, stumbles, then rolls into something banging it's head" :/  LOL...I remember banging my head on one of Barry's hanging plants last year not once, but twice!  He busted me both times..hehe..so this is in thoughts of him ;)

Hound club responded today so now I am stalking them instead of others with wallpapers trying to get them to let me put their/our club site online. Am I using them for a guinea pig? Partially but it's free to them and practice for me :) I think it would be great to have a site online for us! It's subject to review and editing and well...I gave her the option of publishing it herself. Just my way of donating to the club until I get upstairs to do 'physical' art lol! I'm heading up there today but tomorrow....it's have Jim unpack my weight bench that has been reboxed for 5 months now or I'll be joining some Jenny Craig crap so therefor the road sign today is...hehe....

Dangerous Curve Ahead

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scenic View

Really nice out today and spent a good time outdoors. Gardener came out too and didn't get a chance to catch him about the bushes and bush hogging the back but really won't need it till spring with the cold weather setting in. Should have gotten some shots of the trails through the woods and always forget to bring a camera when we are out for a drive.

Did some more computer arts and a harley wallpaper and one for the Afghan Hound Club of Memphis but they are busy and don't spend time in the computer. I freak if my mail piles up in my boxes more than 3 days! Hope she doesn't get much email because I sent 2 this week myself. At least I don't get 1-200 per day when I was "Southern Roads" lmao!  Use to have the guys do the voting and checking orders. I personally took care of the graphics end and then there were the 'sweet' emails about liking my work or what song was playing. Those were the ones that always sent a gift around christmas...even if it was just turkey feathers from thier farm, their crafts, or a singing card.

Posting a link to a killer leather tutorial that was better than mine! Don't know what I'm going to do with it yet unless I scan some of my drawings. Saved me from going upstairs to grab a piece of leather to scan for texture or pattern lol so kudos and links to them!

Off for now to check on art and hound groups. Till then...some more cheesy art but smokin' brushes!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Parking Zone

Jim was sooo encouraging me yesterday with re-learning my computer arts and it does inspire me to move upstairs and finish my craft room but up so late tossing some art out and finishing others that I may take it easy. I just kept thinking about Cyril Huze emailing me from his laptop on his way to sturgis some years ago about God knows what...probably my 101 renditions of Harley computer art and purchasing a custom bike...and how I've hung onto a couple of killer ideas for him exclusively so I headed for his site. Whooaaa!  It looks awesome and nothing like it did some 8-10 years ago!!  Well...hehe...since I've been doing NOTHING for that long and it appears he is more busy than ever...my ass was back tracking!!  Just wasted a lot of years (unless playing video games and running a bar counts as something :/).

Bottom is an old rendition of a Harley graphic set I did when I was Southern Roads called "Harley Rising". Of course I am playing with Afghan photos and drawings so they are "Abstracted Afghan" and "Afghan Rising".  You can't really see the stars that form the shape of an Affie in its small form but shows nicely in it's large scale (not done here...they may boot me off for sucking up space :l). Jim really likes the abstract one so I have it as a wallpaper right now.

At least Paros and the quiet has me in motion again so I can veer out into traffic again, then it will be NO Parking Zone ;}

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Playing 'keep away' from Jim didn't work because I came down with whatever he had but so far only yesterday put me down. Unpacked some and working with actions filters, textures, etc. It was good to still see Indigo online but still don't get the 'apha channels' concept. Run the other way from gradients. Working in wallpaper scales so I can resize them and adding more links to making brush and texture tutorials. Not much here so uploading a couple more photos along with my office which only has 2 boxes left to be unpacked. Just don't know where to put them because I'm full up in here :/

Have a niece scheduled for a c-section on my oldest daughter's birthday the day before Thanksgiving so it's getting to where I can't keep track of how many nieces I have but at least it will be my second nephew :} Madison will always be my best pal though so gotta put a photo of her up. She keeps trying to move in with me lol! Tooo cute and well...talked me into buying the puppy at the flea market from a puppy mill. What's worse is she wants to take it back because it's too big now :l  Geez. A pet for Paros and gives something for Jim to pet when P is in my lap ;} Good thing because after shaving Paros...no one in the Afghan Hound community will ever sell me another hound and with no help to hire around here...it's a good thing but feel sorry for Paros for not having another 'big dog' to run with.

Argghhh. Did I mention I HATE wysiwyg's?  And the new Adobe collection with dreamweaver is out for only about 3k. I can barely keep up with the upgrades for $800 :/